use std::{rc::Rc, cell::RefCell}; use complexpr::{value::{Value, func::Func}, RuntimeError, env::Environment}; use crate::declare_fn; pub fn load(env: &mut Environment) { declare_fn!(env, take, 2); declare_fn!(env, skip, 2); declare_fn!(env, forall, 2); declare_fn!(env, exists, 2); declare_fn!(env, nth, 2); declare_fn!(env, last, 1); declare_fn!(env, void, 1); } fn fn_take(args: Vec) -> Result { let idx = RefCell::new(0); let limit = match args[0] { Value::Int(n) => n, _ => return Err("Argument to take must be an integer".into()), }; let it = RefCell::new(args[1].iter()?); Ok(Value::Func(Func::BuiltinClosure { arg_count: 0, func: Rc::new(move |_| { if *idx.borrow() >= limit { Ok(Value::Nil) } else { *idx.borrow_mut() += 1; match it.borrow_mut().next() { None => Ok(Value::Nil), Some(x) => x } } }) })) } fn fn_skip(args: Vec) -> Result { let n = match args[0] { Value::Int(n) if n <= 0 => return Err(RuntimeError::new_no_pos("First argument to skip must be nonnegative")), Value::Int(n) => n, _ => return Err(RuntimeError::new_no_pos("First argument to skip must be an integer")) }; let it = RefCell::new(args[1].iter()?); let idx = RefCell::new(0); Ok(Value::Func(Func::BuiltinClosure { arg_count: 0, func: Rc::new(move |_| { while *idx.borrow() < n { it.borrow_mut().next(); *idx.borrow_mut() += 1; } match it.borrow_mut().next() { None => Ok(Value::Nil), Some(x) => x } }) })) } fn fn_forall(args: Vec) -> Result { let func = &args[0].as_func()?; for item in args[1].iter()? { let item = item?; if !![item])?.truthy() { return Ok(Value::Bool(false)) } } Ok(Value::Bool(true)) } fn fn_exists(args: Vec) -> Result { let func = &args[0].as_func()?; for item in args[1].iter()? { let item = item?; if![item])?.truthy() { return Ok(Value::Bool(true)) } } Ok(Value::Bool(false)) } fn fn_nth(args: Vec) -> Result { match &args[0] { Value::Int(n) if *n < 0 => Err("First argument to nth must be positive".into()), Value::Int(n) => args[1].iter()?.nth(*n as usize).unwrap_or(Ok(Value::Nil)), _ => Err("First argument to nth must be an integer".into()) } } fn fn_last(args: Vec) -> Result { args[0].iter()?.last().unwrap_or(Ok(Value::Nil)) } fn fn_void(args: Vec) -> Result { for _ in args[0].iter()? {} Ok(Value::Nil) }