use std::cmp::Ordering; use num_traits::{ToPrimitive, Pow, Signed}; use complexpr::{value::{Value, Complex, Rational}, RuntimeError, env::Environment}; use crate::declare_fn; enum Floaty { Real(f64), Complex(Complex) } impl From for Floaty { fn from(f: f64) -> Self { Self::Real(f) } } impl From for Floaty { fn from(z: Complex) -> Self { Self::Complex(z) } } pub fn load(env: &mut Environment) { declare_fn!(env, re, 1); declare_fn!(env, im, 1); declare_fn!(env, min, 2); declare_fn!(env, max, 2); declare_fn!(env, abs, 1); declare_fn!(env, floor, 1); declare_fn!(env, ceil, 1); declare_fn!(env, round, 1); declare_fn!(env, round_to, 2); declare_fn!(env, sin, 1); declare_fn!(env, cos, 1); declare_fn!(env, tan, 1); declare_fn!(env, asin, 1); declare_fn!(env, acos, 1); declare_fn!(env, atan, 1); declare_fn!(env, sinh, 1); declare_fn!(env, cosh, 1); declare_fn!(env, tanh, 1); declare_fn!(env, asinh, 1); declare_fn!(env, acosh, 1); declare_fn!(env, atanh, 1); declare_fn!(env, exp, 1); declare_fn!(env, "log", fn_ln, 1); declare_fn!(env, is_prime, 1); declare_fn!(env, factors, 1); } // // Helper functions // fn try_into_floaty(v: &Value, name: &'static str) -> Result { match v { Value::Int(n) => Ok((*n as f64).into()), Value::Float(f) => Ok((*f).into()), Value::Rational(r) => Ok((r.to_f64().ok_or("Could not convert rational to float")?).into()), Value::Complex(z) => Ok((*z).into()), _ => Err(format!("Argument to {} must be numeric", name)) } } // // Misc functions // fn fn_re(args: Vec) -> Result { match &args[0] { Value::Int(x) => Ok(Value::Float(*x as f64)), Value::Float(x) => Ok(Value::Float(*x)), Value::Rational(x) => Ok(Value::Float(x.to_f64().unwrap())), Value::Complex(x) => Ok(Value::Float(, x => Err(format!("Cannot get real part of {:?}", x).into()) } } fn fn_im(args: Vec) -> Result { match &args[0] { Value::Int(_) | Value::Float(_) | Value::Rational(_) => Ok(Value::Float(0.0)), Value::Complex(x) => Ok(Value::Float(, x => Err(format!("Cannot get real part of {:?}", x).into()) } } fn fn_min(args: Vec) -> Result { match args[0].partial_cmp(&args[1]) { None => Err("Arguments to min must be comparable".into()), Some(Ordering::Greater) => Ok(args[1].clone()), _ => Ok(args[0].clone()) } } fn fn_max(args: Vec) -> Result { match args[0].partial_cmp(&args[1]) { None => Err("Arguments to max must be comparable".into()), Some(Ordering::Less) => Ok(args[1].clone()), _ => Ok(args[0].clone()) } } fn fn_abs(args: Vec) -> Result { match args[0] { Value::Int(n) => Ok(Value::Int(n.abs())), Value::Float(f) => Ok(Value::Float(f.abs())), Value::Rational(r) => Ok(Value::Rational(r.abs())), _ => Err("Argument to floor must be real".into()), } } // // Rounding // fn fn_floor(args: Vec) -> Result { match args[0] { Value::Int(n) => Ok(Value::Int(n)), Value::Float(f) => Ok(Value::Float(f.floor())), Value::Complex(c) => Ok(Value::Complex(Complex::new(,, Value::Rational(r) => Ok(Value::Rational(r.floor())), _ => Err("Argument to floor must be numeric".into()), } } fn fn_ceil(args: Vec) -> Result { match args[0] { Value::Int(n) => Ok(Value::Int(n)), Value::Float(f) => Ok(Value::Float(f.ceil())), Value::Complex(c) => Ok(Value::Complex(Complex::new(,, Value::Rational(r) => Ok(Value::Rational(r.ceil())), _ => Err("Argument to ceil must be numeric".into()), } } fn fn_round(args: Vec) -> Result { match args[0] { Value::Int(n) => Ok(Value::Int(n)), Value::Float(f) => Ok(Value::Float(f.round())), Value::Complex(c) => Ok(Value::Complex(Complex::new(,, Value::Rational(r) => Ok(Value::Rational(r.round())), _ => Err("Argument to round must be numeric".into()), } } fn fn_round_to(args: Vec) -> Result { let places = if let Value::Int(x) = args[1] { x as i32 } else { return Err("Second argument to round_to must be an integer".into()) }; match args[0] { Value::Int(n) if places >= 0 => Ok(Value::Int(n)), Value::Int(n) if places < 0 => { let factor = 10i64.pow((-places) as u32); Ok(Value::Int( (n / factor) * factor )) } Value::Float(f) => { let factor = 10.0_f64.pow(places); Ok(Value::Float( (f * factor).round() / factor )) }, Value::Complex(c) => { let factor = 10.0_f64.pow(places); Ok(Value::Complex(Complex::new( ( * factor).round() / factor, ( * factor).round() / factor, ))) }, Value::Rational(r) => { let factor = Rational::from(10).pow(places); Ok(Value::Rational((r * factor).round() / factor)) }, _ => Err("First argument to round_to must be numeric".into()), } } // // Transcendental functions // macro_rules! transcendental { ($func:ident) => { paste::paste! { fn [](args: Vec) -> Result { let val = try_into_floaty(&args[0], stringify!($func))?; match val { Floaty::Real(f) => Ok(Value::Float(f.$func())), Floaty::Complex(f) => Ok(Value::Complex(f.$func())), } } } }; } transcendental!{ sin } transcendental!{ cos } transcendental!{ tan } transcendental!{ asin } transcendental!{ acos } transcendental!{ atan } transcendental!{ sinh } transcendental!{ cosh } transcendental!{ tanh } transcendental!{ asinh } transcendental!{ acosh } transcendental!{ atanh } transcendental!{ exp } transcendental!{ ln } // // Factorization // fn fn_is_prime(args: Vec) -> Result { let n = match &args[0] { Value::Int(n) => *n, _ => return Err("Argument to is_prime must be an integer".into()) }; match n { _ if n <= 1 => Ok(Value::Bool(false)), 2 | 3 => Ok(Value::Bool(true)), _ if (n % 2 == 0) || (n % 3 == 0) => Ok(Value::Bool(false)), _ => { let mut i = 5; while i*i <= n { if n % i == 0 { return Ok(Value::Bool(false)); } i += 2; if n % i == 0 { return Ok(Value::Bool(false)); } i += 4; } Ok(Value::Bool(true)) } } } fn fn_factors(args: Vec) -> Result { let mut n = match &args[0] { Value::Int(n) => n.abs(), _ => return Err("Argument to is_prime must be an integer".into()) }; if n <= 1 { return Ok(Value::from(vec![])); } let mut factors = vec![]; while n % 2 == 0 { factors.push(Value::Int(2)); n >>= 1; } while n % 3 == 0 { factors.push(Value::Int(3)); n /= 3; } let mut i = 5; while n != 1 { while n % i == 0 { factors.push(Value::Int(i)); n /= i; } i += 2; while n % i == 0 { factors.push(Value::Int(i)); n /= i; } i += 4; } Ok(Value::from(factors)) }