
418 lines
15 KiB

use std::{collections::HashMap, rc::Rc, cell::RefCell};
use num_traits::Pow;
use crate::{value::{Value, Complex, Func, CIterator}, expr::{Stmt, Expr}, token::{TokenType, Token, OpType}, RuntimeError, Position, env::{EnvRef, Environment}};
pub enum Unwind {
Continue{pos: Position},
Break{pos: Position},
Return{pos: Position, value: Value},
impl Unwind {
pub fn as_error(self) -> RuntimeError {
match self {
Self::Error(e) => e,
Self::Continue { pos } => RuntimeError::new("continue statement outside of loop", pos),
Self::Break { pos } => RuntimeError::new("break statement outside of loop", pos),
Self::Return { pos, .. } => RuntimeError::new("return statement outside of function", pos),
impl From<RuntimeError> for Unwind {
fn from(e: RuntimeError) -> Self {
fn unwrap_ident_token(tok: &Token) -> &Rc<str> {
if let Token { ty: TokenType::Ident(s),.. } = tok {
} else {
unreachable!("precondition failed")
pub fn eval_stmt(stmt: &Stmt, env: EnvRef) -> Result<(), Unwind> {
match stmt {
Stmt::Expr{ expr }
=> drop(eval_expr(expr, env)?),
Stmt::Let { lhs, rhs: None }
=> env.borrow_mut().declare(unwrap_ident_token(lhs).clone(), Value::Nil),
Stmt::Let { lhs, rhs: Some(rhs) } => {
let r = eval_expr(rhs, env.clone())?;
env.borrow_mut().declare(unwrap_ident_token(lhs).clone(), r)
Stmt::Block { stmts } => {
let block_env = Environment::extend(env).wrap();
for stmt in stmts {
eval_stmt(stmt, block_env.clone())?;
Stmt::If { if_clauses, else_clause } => {
for ic in if_clauses {
let cond = eval_expr(&ic.0, env.clone())?;
if cond.truthy() {
return eval_stmt(&ic.1, env)
if let Some(ec) = else_clause {
return eval_stmt(ec, env)
Stmt::For { var, expr, stmt, iter_pos } => {
let name = unwrap_ident_token(var);
let iter = eval_expr(expr, env.clone())?;
env.borrow_mut().declare(name.clone(), Value::Nil);
let iterator = iter.iter();
if let Err(e) = iterator {
return Err(RuntimeError::new(e, iter_pos.clone()).into())
if let Ok(i) = iterator {
for v in i {
let v = v.map_err(|e| e.complete(iter_pos.clone()))?;
let env = env.clone();
env.borrow_mut().set(name.clone(), v).expect("unreachable");
match eval_stmt(stmt, env) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(Unwind::Break{..}) => break,
Err(Unwind::Continue{..}) => continue,
Err(e) => return Err(e)
Stmt::While { expr, stmt } => {
loop {
let cond = eval_expr(expr, env.clone())?;
if !cond.truthy() {
match eval_stmt(stmt, env.clone()) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(Unwind::Break{..}) => break,
Err(Unwind::Continue{..}) => continue,
Err(e) => return Err(e)
Stmt::Fn { name, args, body } => {
let name = name.ty.clone().as_ident().unwrap();
let func = Func::Func {
name: Some(name.clone()),
args: args.iter().map(|a| a.ty.clone().as_ident().unwrap()).collect(),
env: env.clone(),
func: Box::new(body.as_ref().clone())
env.borrow_mut().declare(name, Value::Func(func));
Stmt::Break { pos } => return Err(Unwind::Break { pos: pos.clone() }),
Stmt::Continue { pos } => return Err(Unwind::Continue { pos: pos.clone() }),
Stmt::Return { pos, expr } => {
let value = eval_expr(expr, env)?;
return Err(Unwind::Return { pos: pos.clone(), value })
pub fn eval_expr(expr: &Expr, env: EnvRef) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
match expr {
Expr::Literal { value } => Ok(eval_literal(value)),
Expr::Ident { value } => eval_ident(value, env),
Expr::Binary { lhs, rhs, op } => match op.ty.get_op_type() {
=> eval_assignment(lhs, rhs, op, env),
Some(OpType::Additive) | Some(OpType::Multiplicative) | Some(OpType::Exponential)
=> eval_arith(lhs, rhs, op, env),
Some(OpType::LogicalAnd) | Some(OpType::LogicalOr)
=> eval_boolean(lhs, rhs, op, env),
=> eval_comp(lhs, rhs, op, env),
=> eval_pipeline(lhs, rhs, op, env),
o => todo!("{:?}", o) // TODO other operations
Expr::Ternary { .. } => todo!(),
Expr::Unary { arg, op } => eval_unary(arg, op, env),
Expr::List { items } => {
let mut list = Vec::with_capacity(items.len());
for item in items {
list.push(eval_expr(item, env.clone())?);
Expr::Map { items } => {
let mut map = HashMap::with_capacity(items.len());
for (k, v) in items {
let key = eval_expr(k, env.clone())?;
let value = eval_expr(v, env.clone())?;
map.insert(key, value);
Expr::FuncCall { func, args, pos } => {
let func = eval_expr(func, env.clone())?;
let mut arg_values = Vec::with_capacity(args.len());
for arg in args {
let result = eval_expr(arg, env.clone())?;
}|e| e.complete(pos.clone()))
Expr::Index { lhs, index, pos } => {
let l = eval_expr(lhs, env.clone())?;
let idx = eval_expr(index, env)?;
l.index(&idx).map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e, pos.clone()))
Expr::Fn { args, body } => {
let func = Func::Func {
name: None,
args: args.iter().map(|a| a.ty.clone().as_ident().unwrap()).collect(),
func: Box::new(body.as_ref().clone())
pub fn eval_literal(token: &Token) -> Value {
match &token.ty {
TokenType::Nil => Value::Nil,
TokenType::True => Value::Bool(true),
TokenType::False => Value::Bool(false),
TokenType::Int(n) => Value::Int(*n),
TokenType::Float(f) => Value::Float(*f),
TokenType::ImFloat(f) => Value::Complex(Complex::new(0.0, *f)),
TokenType::String(s) => Value::String(s.clone()),
TokenType::Char(c) => Value::Char(*c),
_ => todo!()
pub fn eval_ident(token: &Token, env: EnvRef) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
if let Token { ty: TokenType::Ident(name), ..} = token {
.ok_or_else(|| RuntimeError::new("Variable not defined in scope", token.pos.clone()))
} else {
fn compound_assignment_inner(l: Value, r: Value, op: &Token) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
match op.ty {
TokenType::PlusEqual => &l + &r,
TokenType::MinusEqual => &l - &r,
TokenType::StarEqual => &l * &r,
TokenType::SlashEqual => &l / &r,
TokenType::PercentEqual => &l % &r,
TokenType::CaretEqual => l.pow(&r),
TokenType::DoubleSlashEqual => l.fracdiv(&r),
_ => todo!() // TODO more operations
}.map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e, op.pos.clone()))
pub fn eval_assignment(lhs: &Expr, rhs: &Expr, op: &Token, env: EnvRef) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
// lhs must be an identifier (checked in parser)
if let Expr::Ident{value: Token{ty: TokenType::Ident(name),..}} = lhs {
if op.ty == TokenType::Equal {
// plain assignment
let r = eval_expr(rhs, env.clone())?;
.set(name.clone(), r.clone())
.map_err(|_| RuntimeError::new("Variable not declared before assignment", op.pos.clone()))?;
} else {
// compound assignment
let prev_value = env.borrow_mut()
.ok_or_else(|| RuntimeError::new("Variable not defined in scope", op.pos.clone()))?;
let r = eval_expr(rhs, env.clone())?;
let result = compound_assignment_inner(prev_value, r, op)?;
.set(name.clone(), result.clone()).expect("unreachable");
} else if let Expr::Index { lhs, index, pos } = lhs {
let l = eval_expr(lhs, env.clone())?;
let idx = eval_expr(index, env.clone())?;
if op.ty == TokenType::Equal {
let r = eval_expr(rhs, env)?;
l.assign_index(&idx, r.clone()).map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e, pos.clone()))?;
} else {
let prev_value = l.index(&idx).map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e, pos.clone()))?;
let r = eval_expr(rhs, env)?;
let result = compound_assignment_inner(prev_value, r, op)?;
l.assign_index(&idx, result.clone()).map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e, pos.clone()))?;
} else {
pub fn eval_arith(lhs: &Expr, rhs: &Expr, op: &Token, env: EnvRef) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
let l = eval_expr(lhs, env.clone())?;
let r = eval_expr(rhs, env)?;
match op.ty {
TokenType::Plus => &l + &r,
TokenType::Minus => &l - &r,
TokenType::Star => &l * &r,
TokenType::Slash => &l / &r,
TokenType::Percent => &l % &r,
TokenType::Caret => l.pow(&r),
TokenType::DoubleSlash => l.fracdiv(&r),
_ => todo!()
}.map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e, op.pos.clone()))
pub fn eval_boolean(lhs: &Expr, rhs: &Expr, op: &Token, env: EnvRef) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
let l = eval_expr(lhs, env.clone())?;
match op.ty {
TokenType::DoubleAmper => if l.truthy() {
eval_expr(rhs, env)
} else {
TokenType::DoublePipe => if !l.truthy() {
eval_expr(rhs, env)
} else {
_ => unreachable!()
pub fn eval_comp(lhs: &Expr, rhs: &Expr, op: &Token, env: EnvRef) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
let l = eval_expr(lhs, env.clone())?;
let r = eval_expr(rhs, env)?;
let mk_err = || RuntimeError::new(
format!("Cannot compare {:?} with {:?}", l, r),
match op.ty {
TokenType::DoubleEqual => Ok(Value::Bool(l == r)),
TokenType::BangEqual => Ok(Value::Bool(l != r)),
TokenType::Greater => l.partial_cmp(&r)
.map(|o| Value::from(o.is_gt())),
TokenType::Less => l.partial_cmp(&r)
.map(|o| Value::from(o.is_lt())),
TokenType::GreaterEqual => l.partial_cmp(&r)
.map(|o| Value::from(o.is_ge())),
TokenType::LessEqual => l.partial_cmp(&r)
.map(|o| Value::from(o.is_le())),
TokenType::Spaceship => l.partial_cmp(&r)
.map(|o| Value::from(o as i8)),
_ => unreachable!()
fn pipecolon_inner(_: Vec<Value>, data: Rc<RefCell<Vec<Value>>>, iter_data: Rc<RefCell<Vec<CIterator>>>) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
let f = &data.borrow()[0];
if let Some(next) = iter_data.borrow_mut()[0].next() {![next?])
} else {
fn pipequestion_inner(_: Vec<Value>, data: Rc<RefCell<Vec<Value>>>, iter_data: Rc<RefCell<Vec<CIterator>>>) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
let f = &data.borrow()[0];
loop {
let next = iter_data.borrow_mut()[0].next();
if let Some(next) = next {
let next = next?;
let success =![next.clone()])?.truthy();
if success {
return Ok(next)
} else {
return Ok(Value::Nil)
pub fn eval_pipeline(lhs: &Expr, rhs: &Expr, op: &Token, env: EnvRef) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
let l = eval_expr(lhs, env.clone())?;
let r = eval_expr(rhs, env)?;
eval_pipeline_inner(l, r, op).map_err(|e| e.complete(op.pos.clone()))
#[allow(clippy::needless_collect)] // collect is necesary to allow for rev() call
fn eval_pipeline_inner(l: Value, r: Value, op: &Token) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
match op.ty {
TokenType::PipePoint =>![l]),
TokenType::PipeColon => {
Ok(Value::Func(Func::BuiltinClosure {
arg_count: 0,
data: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![r])),
iter_data: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![l.iter()?])),
func: pipecolon_inner,
TokenType::PipeQuestion => {
Ok(Value::Func(Func::BuiltinClosure {
arg_count: 0,
data: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![r])),
iter_data: Rc::new(RefCell::new(vec![l.iter()?])),
func: pipequestion_inner,
TokenType::PipeDoubleSlash => {
let mut result = Value::Nil;
let mut first_iter = true;
for v in l.iter().map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e, op.pos.clone()))? {
let v = v.map_err(|e| e.complete(op.pos.clone()))?;
if first_iter {
result = v;
first_iter = false;
} else {
result =![result, v]).map_err(|e| e.complete(op.pos.clone()))?;
TokenType::PipeDoubleBackslash => {
let mut result = Value::Nil;
let mut first_iter = true;
let lst = l.iter().map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e, op.pos.clone()))?.collect::<Vec<Result<Value, RuntimeError>>>();
for v in lst.into_iter().rev() {
let v = v.map_err(|e| e.complete(op.pos.clone()))?;
if first_iter {
result = v;
first_iter = false;
} else {
result =![v, result]).map_err(|e| e.complete(op.pos.clone()))?;
_ => todo!()
pub fn eval_unary(arg: &Expr, op: &Token, env: EnvRef) -> Result<Value, RuntimeError> {
let a = eval_expr(arg, env)?;
match op.ty {
TokenType::Minus => -a,
TokenType::Bang => Ok(Value::Bool(!a.truthy())),
_ => todo!(),
}.map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e, op.pos.clone()))