
80 lines
3.2 KiB

use std::{rc::Rc, collections::HashMap, ops::*};
type Rational = num_rational::Ratio<i64>;
type Complex = num_complex::Complex64;
macro_rules! value_from {
($variant:ident, $($kind:ty)*) => {
impl From<$kind> for Value {
fn from(x: $kind) -> Self {
macro_rules! impl_numeric_op {
($optrait:ty, $fnname:ident, { $($bonus:tt)* }) => {
impl $optrait for &Value {
type Output = Result<Value, String>;
fn $fnname(self, other: Self) -> Self::Output {
use Value::*;
use num_traits::ToPrimitive;
const RATIO_CAST_FAIL: &'static str = "Failed to cast Rational to Float";
match (self, other) {
(Int(a), Int(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b).into()),
(Rational(a), Int(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b).into()),
(Int(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(self::Rational::from(*a).$fnname(b).into()),
(Float(a), Int(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(*b as f64).into()),
(Int(a), Float(b)) => Ok((*a as f64).$fnname(b).into()),
(Float(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?).into()),
(Rational(a), Float(b)) => Ok(a.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?.$fnname(b).into()),
(Float(a), Float(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b).into()),
(Int(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(self::Complex::from(*a as f64).$fnname(b).into()),
(Complex(a), Int(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(self::Complex::from(*b as f64)).into()),
(Float(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(self::Complex::from(a).$fnname(b).into()),
(Complex(a), Float(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(self::Complex::from(b)).into()),
(Rational(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(self::Complex::from(a.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?).$fnname(b).into()),
(Complex(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(self::Complex::from(b.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?)).into()),
(Complex(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b).into()),
(lhs, rhs) => Err(format!("Unsupported operation '{}' between {:?} and {:?}", stringify!($fnname), lhs, rhs))
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Value {
Int(i64), Float(f64), Complex(Complex), Rational(Rational),
List(Rc<Vec<Value>>), Map(Rc<HashMap<Value,Value>>),
value_from!(Int, u8 u16 u32 i8 i16 i32 i64);
value_from!(Float, f32 f64);
value_from!(Complex, Complex);
value_from!(Rational, Rational);
value_from!(Bool, bool);
value_from!(String, String Rc<str>);
value_from!(List, Vec<Value>);
value_from!(Map, HashMap<Value,Value>);
impl_numeric_op!(Add, add, {
(String(a), String(b)) => Ok(((**a).to_owned() + b).into()),
(List(a), List(b)) => {
let mut a = (**a).clone();
a.append(&mut (**b).clone());
impl_numeric_op!(Sub, sub, {});
impl_numeric_op!(Mul, mul, {});
impl_numeric_op!(Div, div, {});
impl_numeric_op!(Rem, rem, {});