
599 lines
23 KiB

use std::{rc::Rc, collections::HashMap, ops::*, cmp::Ordering, cell::RefCell, hash::Hash, sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, self}, fmt::{self, Write}, any::Any};
use num_traits::{Zero, ToPrimitive, Pow};
use strum::{EnumCount, EnumDiscriminants, EnumIter, IntoEnumIterator, AsRefStr};
use self::func::{Func, CIterator};
pub mod func;
pub type Rational = num_rational::Ratio<i64>;
pub type Complex = num_complex::Complex64;
pub trait Native: Any + std::fmt::Debug + std::fmt::Display {
fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any;
fn as_any_mut(&mut self) -> &mut dyn Any;
fn get_type(&self) -> Type;
static TYPE_COUNTER: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(Value::COUNT);
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum TypeData {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Type {
pub name: Rc<str>,
pub id: usize,
pub typedata: TypeData
impl PartialEq for Type {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { ==
impl Eq for Type {}
pub fn generate_type_id() -> usize {
TYPE_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed)
pub fn generate_struct_type(name: Rc<str>, fields: Vec<String>) -> Type {
Type {
id: TYPE_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, atomic::Ordering::Relaxed),
typedata: TypeData::StructFields(Rc::new(fields))
pub fn generate_builtin_types() -> Vec<Type> {
let mut types = vec![];
for x in ValueDiscriminants::iter() {
types.push(Type {
name: Rc::from(x.as_ref()),
id: x as usize,
typedata: TypeData::None,
fn fmt_list(list: &Vec<Value>) -> String {
let mut result: String = "[".into();
if list.len() > 0 {
for v in list {
result += &(v.repr() + ", ");
result + "]"
fn fmt_map(map: &HashMap<Value, Value>) -> String {
let mut result: String = "{".into();
if map.len() > 0 {
for (k, v) in map {
result += &(k.repr() + ": " + &v.repr() + ", ");
result + "}"
enum EscapeResult { Char(char), Str(&'static str), String(String) }
fn escape_char(c: char, is_char: bool) -> EscapeResult {
match c {
'\0' => EscapeResult::Str("\\0"),
'\n' => EscapeResult::Str("\\n"),
'\r' => EscapeResult::Str("\\r"),
'\t' => EscapeResult::Str("\\t"),
'\x1b' => EscapeResult::Str("\\e"),
'\\' if is_char => EscapeResult::Str("\\\\"),
'\'' if is_char => EscapeResult::Str("\\'"),
'"' if !is_char => EscapeResult::Str("\\\""),
_ if c.is_control() => {
if c <= '\u{ff}' {
EscapeResult::String(format!("\\x{:02x}", c as u32))
} else {
EscapeResult::String(format!("\\u{{{:06x}}}", c as u32))
_ => EscapeResult::Char(c)
fn repr_string(s: &str) -> String {
let mut result: String = "\"".into();
for c in s.chars() {
match escape_char(c, false) {
EscapeResult::Char(c) => result.push(c),
EscapeResult::Str(s) => result += s,
EscapeResult::String(s) => result += &s,
fn repr_char(c: char) -> String {
let mut result: String = "'".into();
match escape_char(c, true) {
EscapeResult::Char(c) => result.push(c),
EscapeResult::Str(s) => result += s,
EscapeResult::String(s) => result += &s
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct CxprStruct {
pub ty: Type,
pub data: Rc<RefCell<HashMap<String, Value>>>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, EnumCount, EnumDiscriminants)]
#[strum_discriminants(derive(EnumIter, AsRefStr))]
pub enum Value {
Int(i64), Float(f64), Complex(Complex), Rational(Rational),
Native(Rc<RefCell<dyn Native>>),
impl Value {
pub fn truthy(&self) -> bool {
use Value::*;
match self {
Bool(false) | Nil | Int(0) => false,
Float(f) => *f != 0.0,
Complex(z) => !z.is_zero(),
Rational(r) => !r.is_zero(),
String(s) => s.len() != 0,
List(l) => l.borrow().len() != 0,
Map(m) => m.borrow().len() != 0,
Char(c) => *c != '\0',
_ => true
pub fn iter(&self) -> Result<CIterator, String> {
match self {
Value::String(_) | Value::List(_)
=> Ok(CIterator::Indexable { value: self.clone(), idx: 0 }),
Value::Func(f) => {
if f.arg_count() == 0 {
} else {
Err("Only zero-argument functions can be used as iterators".into())
v => Err(format!("{} is not iterable", v.repr()))
pub fn as_func(&self) -> Result<&Func, String> {
match self {
Value::Func(f) => Ok(f),
v => Err(format!("{} is not a function", v.repr()))
pub fn repr(&self) -> String {
match self {
Self::Float(f) => format!("{:?}",f),
Self::Rational(r) => r.numer().to_string() + "//" + &r.denom().to_string(),
Self::Char(c) => repr_char(*c),
Self::String(s) => repr_string(s),
_ => self.to_string(),
pub fn index(&self, idx: &Value) -> Result<Value, String> {
match self {
Self::String(s) => match idx {
Value::Int(i) if *i >= 0 => s.chars().nth(*i as usize)
.ok_or_else(|| format!("String index {} out of bounds for length {}", i, s.chars().count()))
Value::Int(i) => Err(format!("String index {} cannot be negative", i)),
_ => Err(format!("Cannot index {} with {}", self.repr(), idx.repr()))
Self::List(l) => match idx {
Value::Int(i) if *i >= 0 => l.borrow().get(*i as usize)
.ok_or_else(|| format!("List index {} out of bounds for length {}", i, l.borrow().len()))
.map(|v| v.clone()),
Value::Int(i) => Err(format!("List index {} cannot be negative", i)),
_ => Err(format!("Cannot index {} with {}", self.repr(), idx.repr()))
Self::Map(m) => m.borrow().get(idx).cloned().ok_or_else(|| format!("Map does not contain key {}", idx.repr())),
v => Err(format!("Cannot index into {}", v.repr()))
pub fn assign_index(&self, idx: &Value, value: Value) -> Result<(), String> {
match self {
Self::List(l) => match idx {
Value::Int(i) if *i >= 0 && (*i as usize) < l.borrow().len() => {
l.borrow_mut()[*i as usize] = value;
Value::Int(i) if *i >= 0 => Err(format!("List index {} out of bounds for length {}", i, l.borrow().len())),
Value::Int(i) => Err(format!("List index {} cannot be negative", i)),
_ => Err(format!("Cannot index {} with {}", self.repr(), idx.repr()))
Self::Map(m) => {
m.borrow_mut().insert(idx.clone(), value);
v => Err(format!("Cannot assign to index in {}", v.repr()))
pub fn len(&self) -> Result<usize, String> {
match self {
Value::String(s) => Ok(s.len()),
Value::List(l) => Ok(l.borrow().len()),
Value::Map(m) => Ok(m.borrow().len()),
v => Err(format!("{} has no length", v.repr()))
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> Result<bool, String> {
Ok(self.len()? == 0)
pub fn fracdiv(&self, other: &Value) -> Result<Value, String> {
use Value::*;
match (self, other) {
(Int(_), Int(b)) if *b == 0 => Err("Integer division by zero".into()),
(Rational(_), Int(b)) if *b == 0 => Err("Rational division by zero".into()),
(Int(_), Rational(b)) if b.is_zero() => Err("Rational division by zero".into()),
(Rational(_), Rational(b)) if b.is_zero() => Err("Rational division by zero".into()),
(Int(a), Int(b)) => Ok(Value::from(crate::value::Rational::new(*a, *b))),
(Rational(a), Int(b)) => Ok(Value::from(a/b)),
(Int(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(Value::from(b.recip()*a)),
(Rational(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(Value::from(a/b)),
(x,y) => Err(format!("Unsupported operation 'fracdiv' between {} and {}", x.repr(), y.repr()))
pub fn get_type(&self) -> Type {
let discr = ValueDiscriminants::from(self);
if let Self::Struct(s) = self {
} else if let Self::Native(n) = self {
} else {
Type {
name: Rc::from(discr.as_ref()),
id: discr as usize,
typedata: TypeData::None,
impl fmt::Display for Value {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Nil => f.write_str("nil"),
Self::Bool(b) => f.write_str(&b.to_string()),
Self::Int(n) => f.write_str(&n.to_string()),
Self::Float(x) => f.write_str(&x.to_string()),
Self::Rational(r) => f.write_str(&r.to_string()),
Self::Complex(z) => f.write_str(&z.to_string()),
Self::Char(c) => f.write_char(*c),
Self::String(s) => f.write_str(s.as_ref()),
Self::List(l) => f.write_str(&fmt_list(&l.borrow())),
Self::Map(m) => f.write_str(&fmt_map(&m.borrow())),
Self::Type(t) => write!(f, "<type {}>",,
Self::Func(Func::Builtin { name, func, .. }) => write!(f, "<builtin fn {} at {:?}>", name, *func as *const ()),
Self::Func(Func::BuiltinClosure { .. }) => f.write_str("<builtin anonymous fn>"),
Self::Func(func @ Func::Partial { .. }) => match {
Some(name) => write!(f, "<partial of fn {}>", name),
None => f.write_str("<partial of anonymous fn>"),
Self::Func(Func::Func { name, .. }) => match name {
Some(name) => write!(f, "<fn {}>", name),
None => f.write_str("<anonymous fn>"),
Self::Struct(CxprStruct { ty, data })
=> write!(f, "{} {{ {} }}",,
data.borrow().iter().map(|(k, v)| format!("{}: {}", k, v.repr()))
.collect::<Vec<String>>().join(", ")),
Self::Native(x) => f.write_str(&x.borrow().to_string()),
#[allow(clippy::ptr_eq)] // provided fix does not work
impl PartialEq for Value {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(Self::Nil, Self::Nil) => true,
(Self::Type(a), Self::Type(b)) => ==,
(Self::Int(a), Self::Int(b)) => a == b,
(Self::Rational(a), Self::Int(b)) => *a == Rational::from(*b),
(Self::Int(a), Self::Rational(b)) => Rational::from(*a) == *b,
(Self::Rational(a), Self::Rational(b)) => a == b,
(Self::Float(a), Self::Int(b)) => *a == *b as f64,
(Self::Int(a), Self::Float(b)) => *a as f64 == *b,
(Self::Float(a), Self::Rational(b)) => *a == b.to_f64().unwrap(),
(Self::Rational(a), Self::Float(b)) => a.to_f64().unwrap() == *b,
(Self::Float(a), Self::Float(b)) => a == b,
(Self::Complex(a), Self::Int(b)) => *a == Complex::from(*b as f64),
(Self::Int(a), Self::Complex(b)) => Complex::from(*a as f64) == *b,
(Self::Complex(a), Self::Rational(b)) => *a == Complex::from(b.to_f64().unwrap()),
(Self::Rational(a), Self::Complex(b)) => Complex::from(a.to_f64().unwrap()) == *b,
(Self::Complex(a), Self::Float(b)) => *a == Complex::from(*b),
(Self::Float(a), Self::Complex(b)) => Complex::from(*a) == *b,
(Self::Complex(a), Self::Complex(b)) => a == b,
(Self::Bool(a), Self::Bool(b)) => a == b,
(Self::Char(a), Self::Char(b)) => a == b,
(Self::String(a), Self::String(b)) => a == b,
(Self::List(a), Self::List(b)) => a == b,
(Self::Map(a), Self::Map(b)) => {
// prevent double borrow
if a.as_ref().as_ptr() == b.as_ref().as_ptr() { return true }
if a.borrow().len() != b.borrow().len() { return false }
for (k, v1) in a.borrow().iter() {
let bb = b.borrow();
let v2 = bb.get(k);
if v2 != Some(v1) {
return false
(Self::Func(f1), Self::Func(f2)) => match (f1, f2) {
Func::Builtin { func: f1, arg_count: c1, .. },
Func::Builtin { func: f2, arg_count: c2, .. }
) => (*f1 as *const ()) == (*f2 as *const ()) && c1 == c2,
_ => false
(Self::Struct(_), Self::Struct(_)) => todo!("Can't compare data yet"),
_ => false
impl Eq for Value {}
impl PartialOrd for Value {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
if self == other {
return Some(Ordering::Equal)
match (self, other) {
(Self::Int(a), Self::Int(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Self::Int(a), Self::Float(b)) => (*a as f64).partial_cmp(b),
(Self::Float(a), Self::Int(b)) => a.partial_cmp(&(*b as f64)),
(Self::Float(a), Self::Float(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Self::Int(a), Self::Rational(b)) => Rational::from(*a).partial_cmp(b),
(Self::Rational(a), Self::Int(b)) => a.partial_cmp(&Rational::from(*b)),
(Self::Float(a), Self::Rational(b)) => a.partial_cmp(&b.to_f64().unwrap()),
(Self::Rational(a), Self::Float(b)) => a.to_f64().unwrap().partial_cmp(b),
(Self::Rational(a), Self::Rational(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Self::Char(a), Self::Char(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Self::String(a), Self::String(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
(Self::List(a), Self::List(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b),
_ => None
fn hash_f64<H: std::hash::Hasher>(f: f64, state: &mut H) {
if f.is_nan() {
} else if f == 0.0 {
} else if f.is_infinite() {
if f > 0.0 {
} else{
} else {
impl Hash for Value {
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
match self {
Self::Nil => "nil".hash(state),
Self::Type(t) => { "<type>".hash(state);; }
Self::Int(i) => i.hash(state),
Self::Float(f) => hash_f64(*f, state),
Self::Complex(z) => { hash_f64(, state); hash_f64(, state); }
Self::Rational(r) => { r.numer().hash(state); r.denom().hash(state); }
Self::Bool(b) => b.hash(state),
Self::Char(c) => c.hash(state),
Self::String(s) => s.hash(state),
Self::List(l) => l.borrow().hash(state),
Self::Map(_) => todo!(),
Self::Func(f) => f.hash(state),
Self::Struct(_) => todo!(),
Self::Native(_) => todo!(),
macro_rules! value_from {
($variant:ident, $($kind:ty)*) => {
impl From<$kind> for Value {
fn from(x: $kind) -> Self {
impl From<Vec<Value>> for Value {
fn from(x: Vec<Value>) -> Self {
impl From<HashMap<Value,Value>> for Value {
fn from(x: HashMap<Value,Value>) -> Self {
value_from!(Int, u8 u16 u32 i8 i16 i32 i64);
value_from!(Float, f32 f64);
value_from!(Complex, Complex);
value_from!(Rational, Rational);
value_from!(Bool, bool);
value_from!(String, String Rc<str>);
value_from!(List, RefCell<Vec<Value>>);
value_from!(Char, char);
value_from!(Map, RefCell<HashMap<Value,Value>>);
macro_rules! impl_numeric_op {
($optrait:ty, $fnname:ident, { $($bonus:tt)* }) => {
impl $optrait for &Value {
type Output = Result<Value, String>;
fn $fnname(self, other: Self) -> Self::Output {
use Value::*;
const RATIO_CAST_FAIL: &'static str = "Failed to cast Rational to Float";
match (self, other) {
(Int(a), Int(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b).into()),
(Rational(a), Int(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b).into()),
(Int(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(self::Rational::from(*a).$fnname(b).into()),
(Rational(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b).into()),
(Float(a), Int(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(*b as f64).into()),
(Int(a), Float(b)) => Ok((*a as f64).$fnname(b).into()),
(Float(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?).into()),
(Rational(a), Float(b)) => Ok(a.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?.$fnname(b).into()),
(Float(a), Float(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b).into()),
(Int(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(self::Complex::from(*a as f64).$fnname(b).into()),
(Complex(a), Int(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(self::Complex::from(*b as f64)).into()),
(Float(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(self::Complex::from(a).$fnname(b).into()),
(Complex(a), Float(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(self::Complex::from(b)).into()),
(Rational(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(self::Complex::from(a.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?).$fnname(b).into()),
(Complex(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(self::Complex::from(b.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?)).into()),
(Complex(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(a.$fnname(b).into()),
(lhs, rhs) => Err(format!("Unsupported operation '{}' between {} and {}", stringify!($fnname), lhs.repr(), rhs.repr()))
impl Neg for Value {
type Output = Result<Value, String>;
fn neg(self) -> Self::Output {
match self {
Value::Int(a) => Ok(Value::Int(-a)),
Value::Float(a) => Ok(Value::Float(-a)),
Value::Rational(a) => Ok(Value::Rational(-a)),
Value::Complex(a) => Ok(Value::Complex(-a)),
_ => Err(format!("Unsupported operation 'neg' on {}", self.repr()))
impl_numeric_op!(Add, add, {
(String(a), String(b)) => Ok(((**a).to_owned() + b).into()),
(String(a), Char(c)) => {
let mut s = (**a).to_owned();
(Char(c), String(a)) => Ok((c.to_string() + a).into()),
(Char(c1), Char(c2)) => {
let mut s = c1.to_string();
(List(a), List(b)) => {
let a = (**a).clone();
a.borrow_mut().append(&mut (**b).borrow().clone());
impl_numeric_op!(Sub, sub, {});
impl_numeric_op!(Mul, mul, {
(String(a), Int(b)) | (Int(b), String(a))
=> Ok(Value::from(a.chars().cycle().take(a.chars().count()*(*b as usize)).collect::<std::string::String>())),
(List(a), Int(b)) | (Int(b), List(a))
=> Ok(Value::from(a.borrow().iter().cycle().take(a.borrow().len()*(*b as usize)).cloned().collect::<Vec<Value>>())),
impl_numeric_op!(Div, div, {
(Int(_), Int(b)) if *b == 0 => Err("Integer division by zero".into()),
(Rational(_), Int(b)) if *b == 0 => Err("Rational division by zero".into()),
(Int(_), Rational(b)) if b.is_zero() => Err("Rational division by zero".into()),
(Rational(_), Rational(b)) if b.is_zero() => Err("Rational division by zero".into()),
impl_numeric_op!(Rem, rem, {
(Int(_), Int(b)) if *b == 0 => Err("Integer modulo by zero".into()),
(Rational(_), Int(b)) if *b == 0 => Err("Rational modulo by zero".into()),
(Int(_), Rational(b)) if b.is_zero() => Err("Rational modulo by zero".into()),
(Rational(_), Rational(b)) if b.is_zero() => Err("Rational modulo by zero".into()),
impl Pow<&Value> for &Value {
type Output = Result<Value, String>;
fn pow(self, other: &Value) -> Self::Output {
use Value::*;
const RATIO_CAST_FAIL: &str = "Failed to convert rational to float";
match (self, other) {
(Int(a), Int(b)) => match b {
x if *x < 0 => Err(format!("Cannot raise integer {:?} to negative integer exponent {:?}", a, b)),
x if *x > (u32::MAX as i64) => Err(format!("Integer exponent {:?} too large", x)),
_ => Ok(Value::from(a.pow(*b as u32)))
(Rational(a), Int(b)) => match b {
x if *x > (i32::MAX as i64) => Err(format!("Integer exponent {:?} too large", x)),
x if *x < (i32::MIN as i64) => Err(format!("Integer exponent {:?} too small", x)),
_ => Ok(Value::from(a.pow(*b as i32)))
(Int(_), Rational(_)) => Err("Cannot raise integer to rational exponent".into()),
(Rational(_), Rational(_)) => Err("Cannot raise rational to rational exponent".into()),
(Float(a), Int(b)) => Ok(a.pow(*b as f64).into()),
(Int(a), Float(b)) => Ok((*a as f64).pow(b).into()),
(Float(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(a.pow(b.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?).into()),
(Rational(a), Float(b)) => Ok(a.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?.pow(b).into()),
(Float(a), Float(b)) => Ok(a.pow(b).into()),
(Int(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(self::Complex::from(*a as f64).pow(b).into()),
(Complex(a), Int(b)) => Ok(a.pow(self::Complex::from(*b as f64)).into()),
(Float(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(self::Complex::from(a).pow(b).into()),
(Complex(a), Float(b)) => Ok(a.pow(self::Complex::from(b)).into()),
(Rational(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(self::Complex::from(a.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?).pow(b).into()),
(Complex(a), Rational(b)) => Ok(a.pow(self::Complex::from(b.to_f64().ok_or(RATIO_CAST_FAIL)?)).into()),
(Complex(a), Complex(b)) => Ok(a.pow(b).into()),
(lhs, rhs) => Err(format!("Unsupported operation 'pow' between {} and {}", lhs.repr(), rhs.repr()))