α \alpha β \beta γ \gamma δ \delta ε \epsilon ζ \zeta η \eta θ \theta ϑ \vartheta ι \iota κ \kappa λ \lambda lamda μ \mu micro ν \nu ξ \xi ο \omicron π \pi ρ \rho σ \sigma ς \varsigma τ \tau υ \upsilon φ \phi ϕ \varphi χ \chi ψ \psi ω \omega Α \Alpha Β \Beta Γ \Gamma Δ \Delta Ε \Epsilon Ζ \Zeta Η \Eta Θ \Theta Ι \Iota Κ \Kappa Λ \Lambda Lamda Μ \Mu Ν \Nu Ξ \Xi Ο \Omicron Π \Pi product Ρ \Rho Σ \Sigma sum Τ \Tau Υ \Upsilon Φ \Phi Χ \Chi Ψ \Psi Ω \Omega ohm ℵ aleph alef ℶ beth ℷ gimel ℸ daleth ה he ו waw vav ז zayin ח chet ט tet י yod כ kaf ך varkaf ל lamed מ mem ם varmem נ nun ן varnun ס samech ע ayin פ pe ף varpe צ tsadi ץ vartsadi ק qof ר resh ש shin ת tav ° \degree – en dash — em dash † \dag dagger cross ‡ \ddag double dagger cross • bullet ‣ triangle bullet … \dots ellipses ‰ \permil per mille thousand ‱ \pertenthousand per ten thousand ‽ interrobang ∧ \land \wedge logical and ∨ \lor \vee logical or ¬ \lnot \neg logical not ← arrow left → arrow right implies ↔ arrow leftright left right biconditional ↑ arrow up ↓ arrow down ↕ arrow updown up down ↖ arrow upleft up left ↗ arrow upright up right ↘ arrow downright down right ↙ arrow downleft down left ⇐ arrow double left ⇒ arrow double right ⇔ arrow double leftright left right ⇑ arrow double up ⇓ arrow double down ⇕ arrow double updown up down ⇖ double arrow upleft up left ⇗ double arrow upright up right ⇘ double arrow downright down right ⇙ double arrow downleft down left ∃ \exists ∀ \forall for all ∄ \not\exists not exists ∂ \partial differential derivative ∇ \nabla del ∈ \in element ∉ \notin \not\in not element ∊ small element ∋ \ni contains ∌ \not\ni contains ∍ small contains ∅ \emptyset empty set ∏ product ∐ coproduct ∑ sum ℂ complex bbC \mathbb{C} ℍ quaternions bbH \mathbb{H} ℕ naturals bbN \mathbb{N} ℙ projective prime power bbP \mathbb{P} ℚ rationals fractions bbQ \mathbb{Q} ℝ reals bbR \mathbb{R} ℤ integers bbZ \mathbb{Z} ↊ dozenal duodecimal ten inverted two ↋ dozenal duodecimal eleven inverted three æ ae ligature œ oe ligature © copyright ™ trademark ® register mark sign ± \pm plus minus ∓ \mp minus plus ∖ \setminus set difference ∗ \ast asterisk convolution ☭ communism hammer and sickle ∘ \circ circle ∙ \cdot center dot √ \root radical ∛ 3root root3 cube root ∜ 4root root4 fourth root ∝ proportional \propto ∞ \infty infinity ∩ \cap intersect ∪ \cup contains ∫ \int integral ∬ \iint double integral ∭ \iiint triple integral ∮ \oint contour integral ∯ \oiint double contour integral ∰ \oiiint triple contour integral ÷ \div division ∴ \therefore ∵ \because ∶ ratio ∷ double colon ratio ∣ \mid divides ∤ \not\mid not divides ∠ angle ∼ \sim asymptotically equal ≁ \not\sim not asymptotically equal ≃ \simeq ≄ \not\simeq ≅ \cong congruent isomorphic ≇ \not\cong not congruent isomorphic ≈ \approx approximately equal ≉ \not\approxi not approximately equal ≠ \neq not equal ≡ \equiv equivalent ≢ \not\equiv not equivalent ≤ \le less than or equal ≥ \ge greater than or equal ≮ \not< not less than ≯ \not> not greater than ≰ \not\le not less than or equal ≱ \not\ge not greater than or equal ⊂ \subset ⊃ \supset superset ⊄ \not\subset not subset ⊅ \not\supset not superset ⊆ \subseteq subset or equal ⊇ \supseteq superset or equal ⊆ \not\subseteq not subset or equal ⊇ \not\supseteq not superset or equal ⊊ \subsetneq subset not equal ⊋ \supsetneq superset not equal ⊕ \oplus plus with circle ⊖ \ominus minus with circle ⊗ \otimes times cross multiply with circle ⊘ \oslash slash divide with circle ⊙ \odot dot with circle ⊞ plus with square ⊟ minus with square ⊠ times cross multiply with square ⊡ dot with square ⊢ \vdash turnstile right tack tee ⊣ \dashv reverse turnstile ⊤ \top true ⊥ \bot bottom false ⊨ \models entails double turnstile ⊬ \not\vdash not turnstile right tack tee ⊭ \not\models not models entails double turnstile ⊲ \triangleleft \vartriangleleft strict normal subgroup ⊳ \triangleright \vartriangleright strict normal supergroup ⊴ \unlhd \vartrianglelefteq normal subgroup or equal ⊵ \unrhd \vartrianglerighteq normal supergroup or equal ⋪ \not\triangleleft \not\vartriangleleft not strict normal subgroup ⋫ \not\triangleright \not\vartriangleright not strict normal supergroup ⋬ \not\unlhd \not\vartrianglelefteq not normal subgroup or equal ⋭ \not\unrhd \not\vartrianglerighteq not normal supergroup or equal ⋮ \vdots vertical dots ⋯ \cdots ellipsis dots ⋱ \ddots diagonal dots ⋰ \iddots \udots reverse diagonal dots