2025-02-01 00:22:29 -05:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

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α \alpha
β \beta
γ \gamma
δ \delta
ε \epsilon
ζ \zeta
η \eta
θ \theta
ϑ \vartheta
ι \iota
κ \kappa
λ \lambda lamda
μ \mu micro
ν \nu
ξ \xi
ο \omicron
π \pi
ρ \rho
σ \sigma
ς \varsigma
τ \tau
υ \upsilon
φ \phi
ϕ \varphi
χ \chi
ψ \psi
ω \omega
Α \Alpha
Β \Beta
Γ \Gamma
Δ \Delta
Ε \Epsilon
Ζ \Zeta
Η \Eta
Θ \Theta
Ι \Iota
Κ \Kappa
Λ \Lambda Lamda
Μ \Mu
Ν \Nu
Ξ \Xi
Ο \Omicron
Π \Pi product
Ρ \Rho
Σ \Sigma sum
Τ \Tau
Υ \Upsilon
Φ \Phi
Χ \Chi
Ψ \Psi
Ω \Omega ohm
ℵ aleph alef
ℶ beth
ℷ gimel
ℸ daleth
ה he
ו waw vav
ז zayin
ח chet
ט tet
י yod
כ kaf
ך varkaf
ל lamed
מ mem
ם varmem
נ nun
ן varnun
ס samech
ע ayin
פ pe
ף varpe
צ tsadi
ץ vartsadi
ק qof
ר resh
ש shin
ת tav
° \degree
en dash
— em dash
† \dag dagger cross
‡ \ddag double dagger cross
• bullet
‣ triangle bullet
… \dots ellipses
‰ \permil per mille thousand
‱ \pertenthousand per ten thousand
‽ interrobang
∧ \land \wedge logical and
\lor \vee logical or
¬ \lnot \neg logical not
← arrow left
→ arrow right implies
↔ arrow leftright left right biconditional
↑ arrow up
↓ arrow down
↕ arrow updown up down
↖ arrow upleft up left
↗ arrow upright up right
↘ arrow downright down right
↙ arrow downleft down left
⇐ arrow double left
⇒ arrow double right
⇔ arrow double leftright left right
⇑ arrow double up
⇓ arrow double down
⇕ arrow double updown up down
⇖ double arrow upleft up left
⇗ double arrow upright up right
⇘ double arrow downright down right
⇙ double arrow downleft down left
∃ \exists
∀ \forall for all
∄ \not\exists not exists
∂ \partial differential derivative
∇ \nabla del
∈ \in element
∉ \notin \not\in not element
∊ small element
∋ \ni contains
∌ \not\ni contains
∍ small contains
∅ \emptyset empty set
∏ product
∐ coproduct
∑ sum
complex bbC \mathbb{C}
quaternions bbH \mathbb{H}
naturals bbN \mathbb{N}
projective prime power bbP \mathbb{P}
rationals fractions bbQ \mathbb{Q}
reals bbR \mathbb{R}
integers bbZ \mathbb{Z}
↊ dozenal duodecimal ten inverted two
↋ dozenal duodecimal eleven inverted three
æ ae ligature
œ oe ligature
© copyright
™ trademark
® register mark sign
± \pm plus minus
∓ \mp minus plus
\setminus set difference
\ast asterisk convolution
☭ communism hammer and sickle
∘ \circ circle
∙ \cdot center dot
√ \root radical
∛ 3root root3 cube root
∜ 4root root4 fourth root
∝ proportional \propto
∞ \infty infinity
∩ \cap intersect
\cup contains
∫ \int integral
∬ \iint double integral
∭ \iiint triple integral
∮ \oint contour integral
∯ \oiint double contour integral
∰ \oiiint triple contour integral
÷ \div division
∴ \therefore
∵ \because
∷ double colon ratio
\mid divides
∤ \not\mid not divides
∠ angle
\sim asymptotically equal
≁ \not\sim not asymptotically equal
≃ \simeq
≄ \not\simeq
≅ \cong congruent isomorphic
≇ \not\cong not congruent isomorphic
≈ \approx approximately equal
≉ \not\approxi not approximately equal
≠ \neq not equal
≡ \equiv equivalent
≢ \not\equiv not equivalent
≤ \le less than or equal
≥ \ge greater than or equal
≮ \not< not less than
≯ \not> not greater than
≰ \not\le not less than or equal
≱ \not\ge not greater than or equal
⊂ \subset
⊃ \supset superset
⊄ \not\subset not subset
⊅ \not\supset not superset
⊆ \subseteq subset or equal
⊇ \supseteq superset or equal
⊆ \not\subseteq not subset or equal
⊇ \not\supseteq not superset or equal
⊊ \subsetneq subset not equal
⊋ \supsetneq superset not equal
⊕ \oplus plus with circle
⊖ \ominus minus with circle
⊗ \otimes times cross multiply with circle
⊘ \oslash slash divide with circle
⊙ \odot dot with circle
⊞ plus with square
⊟ minus with square
⊠ times cross multiply with square
⊡ dot with square
⊢ \vdash turnstile right tack tee
⊣ \dashv reverse turnstile
\top true
⊥ \bot bottom false
⊨ \models entails double turnstile
⊬ \not\vdash not turnstile right tack tee
⊭ \not\models not models entails double turnstile
⊲ \triangleleft \vartriangleleft strict normal subgroup
⊳ \triangleright \vartriangleright strict normal supergroup
⊴ \unlhd \vartrianglelefteq normal subgroup or equal
⊵ \unrhd \vartrianglerighteq normal supergroup or equal
⋪ \not\triangleleft \not\vartriangleleft not strict normal subgroup
⋫ \not\triangleright \not\vartriangleright not strict normal supergroup
⋬ \not\unlhd \not\vartrianglelefteq not normal subgroup or equal
⋭ \not\unrhd \not\vartrianglerighteq not normal supergroup or equal
⋮ \vdots vertical dots
⋯ \cdots ellipsis dots
⋱ \ddots diagonal dots
⋰ \iddots \udots reverse diagonal dots