Improved file detection, added -o/--output flag
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 43 additions and 36 deletions
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ Options:
| `-y`, `--year ` | `year` | Set the year (default: detect from YouTube) |
| `-T`, `--track` | `track` | Set the track (default: detect from playlist, otherwise none) |
| `-s`, `--show ` | | Print information to stdout instead of downloading to file |
| `-o`, `--output ` | | Set the template used for filenames. See the `youtube-dl` documentation for more info |
| `--color` | `when` | Enable or disable colored output. `<when>` must be `always`, `auto` (default), or `never` |
Any arguments after '--' will be sent to youtube-dl directly. These are not officially supported and some may cause problems.
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Options:
-y --year <year> Set the year (default: detect from YouTube)
-T --track <track> Set the track (default: detect from playlist, otherwise none)
-s --show Print information to stdout instead of downloading to file
-o --output Set the template used for filenames. See the youtube-dl documentation for more info
--color <when> Enable or disable colored output. <when> must be always, auto (default), or never
Any arguments after '--' will be sent to youtube-dl directly. These are not officially
@ -49,11 +50,12 @@ versionmsg="0.0.1"
# Add a prefix to error messages
function printStderr {
read -r input
[ -n "$input" ] && >&2 echo "[$1] $input"
[ -n "$input" ] && >&2 echo -e "[$1] $input"
urls=() # The list of URLs to download
arg_format="mp3" # The file format (-f/--format)
# Process the arguments
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case "$1" in
@ -79,6 +81,8 @@ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
i_track="$2"; shift 2 ;;
arg_show="true"; shift ;;
output_format=( "-o" "$2" ); shift 2 ;;
color_mode="$2"; shift 2 ;;
@ -118,23 +122,46 @@ fi
ytdl_args=( "$@" )
# Download metadata from all the URLs
[ -z "$quiet" ] && echo -e "$pref_musidl downloading data..."
data="$(youtube-dl -j "${ytdl_args[@]}" "${urls[@]}" 2> >(printStderr "youtube-dl"))"
data=($(youtube-dl -j "${ytdl_args[@]}" "${urls[@]}" 2> >(printStderr "$pref_ytdl")))
[ -z "$data" ] && >&2 echo -e "$pref_musidl $errorstr youtube-dl returned nothing, exiting" && exit 1
# Create a temporary file (this will be used later)
[ -z "$quiet" ] && echo -e "$pref_musidl downloading videos..."
# Run for each video to download
for line in $data; do
# Download the video,
# Print all errors,
# Add a prefix to the messages,
# And only print messages if quiet is off
if [ -z "$show" ]; then
stdbuf -o0 youtube-dl --no-progress --extract-audio -f bestaudio \
--audio-format="$arg_format" "${ytdl_args[@]}" ${output_format[@]} "${urls[@]}" \
2> >(printStderr "$pref_ytdl") \
| stdbuf -o0 sed -e 's/^/'"$pref_ytdl"' /' \
| ( if [ -z "$quiet" ]; then stdbuf -o0 cat; else cat > /dev/null; fi )
# Get the filenames
filenames=($(youtube-dl --get-filename --extract-audio -f bestaudio --audio-format="$arg_format" "${ytdl_args[@]}" ${output_format[@]} "${urls[@]}"))
# Run for each video to tag
for i in "${!data[@]}"; do
if ! [ -f "$filename" ]; then
>&2 echo -e "$pref_musidl $errorstr failed to find $filename, skipping..."
# Use jq to extract data from the metadata. The following options are considered in order:
# Artist: artist, channel name
# Album: album, playlist name, none
# Song name: track, video title
# Year: release year, upload date
# Track number: playlist index, none
# Video URL
readarray -t songdata <<< "$(echo "$line" | jq -r \
'if .artist then .artist else .channel end, if .album then .album else if .playlist_title then .playlist_title else "" end end, if .track then .track else .title end, if .release_year then .release_year else .upload_date end, if .playlist_index then .playlist_index else "" end, .webpage_url' \
2> >(printStderr "$pref_jq"))"
@ -171,34 +198,13 @@ for line in $data; do
[ -z "$quiet" ] && echo -e "$pref_musidl downloading $url"
# Download the video,
# Print all errors,
# Find the filename and save it to a tempfile; add a prefix to the messages,
# And only print messages if quiet is off
stdbuf -o0 youtube-dl --no-progress --extract-audio --audio-format="$arg_format" "${ytdl_args[@]}" "$url" \
2> >(printStderr "youtube-dl") \
| stdbuf -o0 sed -e '/^\[ffmpeg\] Destination: /w '"$tmpfile" -e 's/^/'"$pref_ytdl"' /' \
| ( if [ -z "$quiet" ]; then stdbuf -o0 cat; else cat > /dev/null; fi )
# Extract filename from the temporary file
filename=$(cut -c 23- < "$tmpfile")
# use id3v2 to set each property on the file
if [ -f "$filename" ]; then
[ -n "$artist" ] && id3v2 --artist "$artist" "$filename"
[ -n "$album" ] && id3v2 --album "$album" "$filename"
[ -n "$song" ] && id3v2 --song "$song" "$filename"
[ -n "$genre" ] && id3v2 --genre "$genre" "$filename"
[ -n "$year" ] && id3v2 --year "$year" "$filename"
[ -n "$track" ] && id3v2 --track "$track" "$filename"
[ -z "$quiet" ] && echo -e "$pref_musidl finished with $filename"
>&2 echo -e "$pref_musidl $errorstr an error occured during downloading, skipping..."
[ -z "$quiet" ] && echo -e "$pref_musidl tagging $song - $artist ($url)"
[ -n "$artist" ] && id3v2 --artist "$artist" "$filename"
[ -n "$album" ] && id3v2 --album "$album" "$filename"
[ -n "$song" ] && id3v2 --song "$song" "$filename"
[ -n "$genre" ] && id3v2 --genre "$genre" "$filename"
[ -n "$year" ] && id3v2 --year "$year" "$filename"
[ -n "$track" ] && id3v2 --track "$track" "$filename"
[ -z "$quiet" ] && echo -e "$pref_musidl cleaning up..."
# Delete the temporary file
rm "$tmpfile"
[ -z "$quiet" ] && echo -e "$pref_musidl done!"
Add table
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