local plugin = { id = "chat", name = "Chat", description = "Provides Minecraft-style chat. Messages sent by one client will be broadcasted to every client.", authors = { "trimill" }, version = "0.1.0", } local logger = nil function plugin.init() logger = server.initLogger(plugin) logger.info("Loaded chat") end function plugin.playerJoin(name) logger.info(name .. " joined the game") server.broadcast({ translate = "multiplayer.player.joined", with = { {text = name} }, color = "yellow" }) end function plugin.playerLeave(name) logger.info(name .. " left the game") server.broadcast({ translate = "multiplayer.player.left", with = { {text = name} }, color = "yellow" }) end function plugin.chatMessage(message, author) logger.info("<" .. author .. "> " .. message) server.broadcast({ translate = "chat.type.text", with = { {text = author}, {text = message} } }) end return plugin