#!/usr/bin/env python # Python script to generate a trie using switch statements in C import sys import re if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Not enough arguments. Usage: triegen.py ") sys.exit(1) output_file = sys.argv[len(sys.argv) - 1] data = [] for input_file in sys.argv[1:-1]: with open(input_file, 'r') as f: data += [re.split('\s+', l.strip()) for l in f.read().split('\n') if len(l.strip()) > 0] trie = {} for line in data: key = line[0] + '\0' val = line[1] trie_local = trie for c in key: if c == '\0': trie_local[c] = val elif trie_local.get(c) != None: trie_local = trie_local[c] else: trie_local[c] = {} trie_local = trie_local[c] def matches_exact(trie, start): if len(trie) != 1: return False if trie.get('\0') != None: if(start): return False return ('', trie.get('\0')) k, v = list(trie.items())[0] res = matches_exact(v, False) if res == False: return False return (k + res[0], res[1]) def write_trie(f, trie, depth): if line := matches_exact(trie, True): if len(line[0]) == 1: f.write('if(key[%s] == \'%s\') { return %s; } break;\n' % (depth, line[0], line[1])) else: f.write('if(strcmp(key + %s, "%s") == 0) { return %s; } break;\n' % (depth, line[0], line[1])) return ws = " " * (depth + 2) f.write("switch(key[%s]) {\n" % (depth)) for k, v in trie.items(): f.write("%scase %s: " % (ws, repr(k))) if k == '\0': f.write("return %s;\n" % (v)) else: write_trie(f, v, depth + 1) f.write("%s}" % (" " * (depth + 1))) if depth != 0: f.write(" break;") f.write("\n") with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write("#include \n") f.write("#include \"trie.h\"\n\n") f.write("/* auto-generated by triegen.py */\n\n") f.write("long trie_get(const char* key) {\n ") write_trie(f, trie, 0) f.write(" return -1;\n}\n")