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2022-06-23 01:58:54 -04:00
// Cell size; the width/height of each pixel
var cs = 30;
// The zoom level
var zoom = 0;
// The list of pixels to shade
var pix = [];
// The x and y offsets
var xoff, yoff;
// If the canvas or circle need updating
var updateCanvas = true;
var updateCircle = true;
// The circle's radius
var rad = 5.1;
// The accuracy of the circle
var steps = 8000;
// The cell size below which the grid is not drawn
var gridShow = 10;
// Whether or not the center is even
var evenCenter = false;
// Theme colors
//Create the canvas, initialize the input fields, and set the theme colors.
function setup() {
var canvas = createCanvas(900, 675);
document.getElementById('radius-slider').value = rad;
document.getElementById('radius-text').value = rad;
document.getElementById('even-center').value = evenCenter;
document.getElementById('accuracy').value = steps;
xoff = width / 2 - cs / 2;
yoff = height / 2 - cs / 2;
BACKGR = color(220);
FOREGR = color(100);
COLOR = color(30, 160, 60);
document.getElementById("defaultCanvas0").onwheel = function (event) {
document.getElementById("defaultCanvas0").onmousewheel = function (event) {
//Delete the old circle and create the highlighted center
function resetPix() {
pix = [];
pix.push({ x: 0, y: 0, c: COLOR });
if (evenCenter) {
pix.push({ x: 0, y: 1, c: COLOR });
pix.push({ x: 1, y: 0, c: COLOR });
pix.push({ x: 1, y: 1, c: COLOR });
//When an update occurs, redraw the canvas on the next frame.
function draw() {
if (updateCanvas || updateCircle) {
// If only the canvas is updated, the circle doesn't need to be retraced.
if (updateCircle) {
// Slightly decrease the radius in certian cases to prevent glitches.
var r = rad;
if (!evenCenter && abs(round(r) - r) == 0.5)
r -= 0.00000001;
else if (evenCenter && round(r) - r == 0)
r -= 0.00000001;
// Trace the circle to find which pixels are inside it.
// Draw the colored pixels to the screen.
// If not zoomed out too far, draw the grid.
if (cs > gridShow)
drawGrid(xoff, yoff, cs);
// Draw the highlighted circle path.
// Do not update again immediately after this.
updateCircle = false;
updateCanvas = false;
//Draw the grid of horsizontal and veritcal lines.
function drawGrid(xoff, yoff, gap) {
for (var x = xoff % gap; x < width; x += gap) {
line(x, 0, x, height);
for (var y = yoff % gap; y < height; y += gap) {
line(0, y, width, y);
var lastX, lastY;
//Start the drag.
function mousePressed() {
lastX = mouseX;
lastY = mouseY;
//Move the image around when dragged.
function mouseDragged() {
if (mouseX > 0 && mouseY > 0) {
xoff += mouseX - lastX;
yoff += mouseY - lastY;
lastX = mouseX;
lastY = mouseY;
updateCanvas = true;
//Zoom in and out by scrolling.
function mouseWheel(event) {
if(mouseX >= 0 && mouseX < width && mouseY >= 0 && mouseY < height) {
var c =;
var f = (c > 0) ? 8 / 9 : (c < 0) ? 9 / 8 : 1;
cs *= f;
xoff = (xoff - mouseX) * f + mouseX;
yoff = (yoff - mouseY) * f + mouseY;
updateCanvas = true;
//Find which pixels are in the path of the circle by tracing it.
function traceCircle(r) {
var lx, ly;
var cx = 0, cy = 0;
if (evenCenter) { cx = 0.5; cy = 0.5; }
// Go around the circle in <steps> number of steps
for (var ang = 0; ang < 1; ang += 1 / steps) {
var x = round(r * cos(ang * TAU) + cx);
var y = round(r * sin(ang * TAU) + cy);
// If the location is different from the previous one...
if (x != lx || y != ly) {
// ...create a shaded pixel at the location
var obj = { x: x, y: y, c: color(FOREGR) };
lx = x;
ly = y;
// Draw the colored pixels to the screen
function drawPix() {
for (var i = 0; i < pix.length; i++) {
rect(pix[i].x * cs + xoff, pix[i].y * cs + yoff, cs, cs);
// Draw the colored circle path
function drawCirclePath() {
// Choose stroke weight based on zoom level
if (cs > 20) strokeWeight(2.5);
else if (cs > gridShow) strokeWeight(1.5);
else strokeWeight(1);
var cx = 0, cy = 0;
if (evenCenter) { cx = 0.5; cy = 0.5; }
ellipse(xoff + cx * cs + cs / 2, yoff + cy * cs + cs / 2, 2 * rad * cs, 2 * rad * cs);
// Change the radius of the circle
function updateRadius(value) {
// Make sure the slider and text field match.
document.getElementById('radius-slider').value = value;
document.getElementById('radius-text').value = value;
rad = value;
updateCircle = true;
// Change the accuracy.
function updateAccuracy(value) {
if (value != 0) {
steps = +value;
updateCircle = true;
// Change the center between odd (one pixel) and even (four pixels).
function updateCenter(value) {
old = evenCenter
if (old == true && value == false) {
xoff += 0.5 * cs;
yoff += 0.5 * cs;
} else if (old == false && value == true) {
xoff -= 0.5 * cs;
yoff -= 0.5 * cs;
evenCenter = value;
updateCircle = true;
// Reset drag and zoom.
function resetMotion() {
zoom = 0;
cs = 60;
xoff = width / 2 - cs / 2;
yoff = height / 2 - cs / 2;
updateCircle = true;