{% set meta = {"title": "Home", "desc": "Home page"} %} {% extends "/_base.html" %} {% block content %}

Welcome! On this website you may view a multitude of content, including numerous projects, a Blog™, and various other information contained on this page. Enjoy.


I am a person (proof of this fact is left to the reader) who has been granted an internet connection and uses it extensively for assorted purposes. Much of my time not spent sleeping is spent doing mathematics, programming (preferably in Rust), Minecraft, conlangs, twisty puzzles, and chess.


GEORGE is a webring of which I am a member. Use the standard-issue GEORGEbox below to view the GEORGE homepage or access the previous and next members in the ring.

{% if theme == "light" %} {% elif theme == "contrast" %} {% elif theme == "special" %} {% elif theme == "system" %} {% else %} {% endif %}

Other places I exist

Email: trimill012 ("at" sign) gmail (full stop) com
Discord: trimill#6898
Gitea: trimill
GitHub (legacy): TriMill
Youtube: TriMill

Source code & attribution

The source code for this website is available on Gitea and is released under the GNU GPLv3 free and open-source license. It is built using the Flask web framework and incorporates icons from Open Iconic.


{% endblock %}