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cxgraph language

cxgraph uses a custom expression language that is compiled to WGSL.


names must begin with any alphabetic character (lowercase or capital letters, Greek letters, etc.) and may contain alphanumeric chararcters as well as underscores (_) and apostrophes ('). the words sum, prod, and iter may not be used for names. names may refer to either functions or variables.

examples of names include:

a  A  aaa  ω  z_3  __5__  f'  Кαl'けx焼__검

names may either be built-in, global, or local. global or local names may shadow built-in names, and local names may shadow global ones.


a function declaration declares a new function. functions may have zero or more arguments.

f(x) = 3

a constant declaration declares a new constant.

n = 5

declarations are separated by newlines. declarations may only reference functions and constants in declarations that precede them. the name used in a declaration (f and n in the above examples) is in the global scope


arithmetic functions:

name description
pos(z) equivalent to unary +
neg(z) equivalent to unary -
conj(z) complex conjugate, equivalent to unary *
re(z) real part
im(z) imaginary part
abs(z) absolute value (distance from 0)
abs_sq(z) square of absolute value
arg(z) argument (angle about 0) in the range (-τ/2, τ/2]
argbr(z,br) argument in the range (-τ/2, τ/2] + br
add(z,w) equivalent to z + w
sub(z,w) equivalent to z - w
mul(z,w) equivalent to z * w
div(z,w) equivalent to z / w
recip(z) reciprocal, equivalent to 1/z

power/exponential functions:

name description
exp(z) exponential function, equivalent to e^z
log(z) logarithm base e
logbr(z,br) logarithm base e with specified branch
pow(z) power, equivalent to ^
powbr(z,br) pow with specified branch
sqrt(z) square root, equivalent to z^0.5
sqrtbr(z,br) square root with specified branch
cbrt(z) cube root, equivalent to z^0.5
cbrtbr(z,br) cube root with specified branch

trigonometric functions:

name description
sin(z) sine function
cos(z) cosine function
tan(z) tangent function
sinh(z) hyperbolic sine function
cosh(z) hyperbolic cosine function
tanh(z) hyperbolic tangent function
asin(z) inverse sine function
acos(z) inverse cosine function
atan(z) inverse tangent function
asinh(z) inverse hyperbolic sine function
acosh(z) inverse hyperbolic cosine function
atanh(z) inverse hyperbolic tangent function

special functions:

function description
gamma(z), Γ(z) gamma function
invgamma(z), invΓ(z) reciprocal of the gamma function
loggamma(z), logΓ(z) logarithm of the gamma function
digamma(z), ψ(z) digamma function

logic functions:

function description
signre(z) sign of real part (1 if re(z) > 0, -1 if re(z) < 0, 0 if re(z) == 0)
signim(z) sign of imaginary part
ifgt(p,q,z,w) evaluates to z if re(p) > re(q), otherwise w
iflt(p,q,z,w) evaluates to z if re(p) < re(q), otherwise w
ifge(p,q,z,w) evaluates to z if re(p) ≥ re(q), otherwise w
ifle(p,q,z,w) evaluates to z if re(p) ≤ re(q), otherwise w
ifeq(p,q,z,w) evaluates to z if re(p) = re(q), otherwise w
ifne(p,q,z,w) evaluates to z if re(p) ≠ re(q), otherwise w
ifnan(p,z,w) evaluates to z if p is NaN, otherwise w


name description
i the imaginary constant, equal to sqrt(-1)
e the exponential constant, equal to exp(1)
tau, τ the circle constant
emgamma, γ the Euler-Mascheroni constant, equal to -ψ(1)
phi, φ the golden ratio, equal to 1/2 + sqrt(5)/2

ebnf grammar

Program := Definitions

Definitions := NEWLINE* (Definition NEWLINE+)* Definition?

Definition := NAME "(" (NAME ",") NAME? ")" "=" Exprs
            | NAME "=" Exprs

Exprs := (Expr ",")* Expr ","?

Expr := Store

Store := Store "->" NAME | Sum

Sum := Sum "+" Product
     | Sum "-" Product
     | Product

Product := Product "*" Unary
         | Product "/" Unary
         | Unary

Unary := "+" Unary
       | "-" Unary
       | "*" Unary
       | Juxtapose Power
       | Power

Juxtapose := Juxtapose PreJuxtapose | PreJuxtapose

Power := FnCall "^" Unary | FnCall

FnCall := NAME "(" Exprs ")" | Item

PreJuxtapose := Number | "(" <Expr> ")"

Item := Number
      | NAME
      | "(" Expr ")"
	| "{" Exprs "}"
      | "sum"  "(" NAME ":" INT "," INT ")" "{" Exprs "}"
      | "prod" "(" NAME ":" INT "," INT ")" "{" Exprs "}"
      | "iter" "(" INT "," NAME ":" Expr ")" "{" Exprs "}"

Number = FLOAT | INT